Hi there and welcome to my blog! I’m Nigel, the author and food photographer of The Gourmet Larder. I created this space for sharing my passion for food. I enjoy cooking a variety of different foods but decided to use this blog to record my baking and sweet creations for everyone to share.
I found my love for cooking and baking at an early age. While always being very busy in the kitchen, my mum would teach me to make cakes or ask me to give her a hand with this and that, and I thus inherited my mother’s way of expressing love, nurturing and caring through food. At the age of 17, I started my journey studying professional cookery with the Académy Culinaire de France in the South of England where I grew up. I then moved away from home and began working in professional kitchens in London and the USA, where I learned the science, techniques and processes that are fundamental in cooking.
I find cooking exciting and fun whether it be for myself or in the presence of good company, such as family or friends. I cook with mostly fresh, local, seasonal ingredients and still enjoy making pizza and burgers – it’s all about keeping a balanced diet.

I moved to Budapest, Hungary with my wife in 2004 and it brought a whole new chapter to our lives.
In 2017 we adopted Maya our dog who at the time was just under 2 years old and had suffered abuse as a puppy. She was found badly wounded and heavily pregnant by some friends who took her in and looked after her for a few months. While she is still quite scared of many things she has made huge progress and is loved by all the family.
I enjoy being hands-on and getting stuck in. Doing things with my hands allows me to feel connected with the earth – and to do this I enjoy gardening, growing my own produce of fruit and vegetables, making wine and Pálinka, which is a local Hungarian spirit made from fruits. As I said, my passion for food started at a young age helping my mother and father prepare food at home. Now it’s a hobby, enabling me to combine my love of cooking with photography and thus The Gourmet Larder blog was born.

I hope that my passion for food and photography will inspire you to step into the kitchen to recreate some or all 😉 of the scrumptious dishes here on The Gourmet Larder blog.
Remember to have fun sharing and enjoying food.
I would love to hear your questions or comments about my blog posts or recipes. Please feel free to send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you. CONTACT ME
If you have questions regarding my photography equipment or sharing my recipes on your own blog, then please check my FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS page for further information.
Thank you for stopping by and visiting.
Happy Cooking & Baking,